【创源大讲堂】An Introduction to Solitonic Perturbation Methods

来源: 发布日期:2024-10-14浏览次数: 返回列表




题目:An Introduction to Solitonic Perturbation Methods



张柏阳博士,河南大学数学与统计学院博士后,本科毕业于兰州大学物理学院,研究生毕业于中国科学院近代物理研究所。曾在匈牙利科学院,魏格纳理论物理中心(2018-2019)及明尼苏达大学(2019-2022)从事博士后研究,在JHEP, Phys.Rev.D,Phys. Lett. B等杂志发表文章十余篇。主要从事高能物理与数学物理方面的研究,包括:1)量子场论中拓扑结构;2)场论量子化的一般数学结构,特别是代数量子场论在标量场中的应用;3)Resurgence理论在物理模型中的应用,尤其是与瞬子有效相互作用的联系。

Abstract: In this talk we will talk about more mathematical and fundational aspects of quantization in general, focusing on its difficulties instead of great achievements. Especially, we will talk about the second kind of divergence in quantum field theory, as a motivation to organically integrate the soitonic contribution into QFT as a whole, and the quantization at the presence of a kink. Recall that renormalization is crucial in obtaining finite order-by-order contributions in formal perturbation theory. However, the matching of renormalization schemes between different topological sectors was for a long time not well defined hence lead to ambiguity. In this talk we will also try to answer the question: If a vacuum sector Hamiltonian is regularized by an energy cutoff, how is the one-kink sector Hamiltonian regularized?

