【创源大讲堂】Integrated Microwave Photonics and Artifcial Intelligence

来源: 发布日期:2024-04-22浏览次数: 返回列表

报告题目:Integrated Microwave Photonics andArtifcialIntelligence





报告内容:Microwave photonics is a field that studies the interaction between microwave and optical waves for the generation, distribution, control and processing of microwave signals by means of photonics. There are numerous applications of microwave photonics, such as true time delay beamforming for phased array antennas, fiber-fed wireless communication systems (radio over fiber), radar, sensors, and instrumentation. In this talk, an introduction to microwave photonics will be presented, then different topics of microwave photonics, including photonic true time delay beamforming, photonic generation and processing of microwave signals, radio over fiber, will be discussed. Challenges in implementing microwave photonics system and future research directions will also be discussed.

报告人简介:姚建平(Jianping Yao)教授,国际电气和电子工程师协会会士(IEEE Fellow),美国光学学会会士(Optica Fellow),加拿大皇家科学院院士,及加拿大工程院院士。研究领域包括微波光子学,集成微波光子学,微波光子信号处理,光纤无线电,光通信,微波光子传感,及生物微波光子学。发表700多篇研究论文,引用23000多次。曾担任IEEE微波理论及技术学会杰出讲师,获得2018 IEEE R. A. Fessenden奖。姚教授曾担任IEEE Photonics Technology Letters的主编,IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology指导委员会委员,OpticsCommunications顾问委员会委员,IEEE微波理论及技术学会微波光子学技术委员会主席,及IEEE光子学会理事会的理事。




作者:张力月   编辑:阮琦