【创新讲座】Ride-pooling as feeder services

来源: 发布日期:2022-11-09浏览次数: 返回列表

活动/讲座时间:2022-11-10 16:00

范文博,西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院副教授,曾任香港理工大学助理研究员,美国马里兰大学访问学者,专注现代城市公交系统研究。主持国家级、省级和海外联合项目10余项,在专业一流期刊Transportation Research Part B、Part E、Part C、IEE-T-ITS、Transport Policy等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,在TRB、CASPT、IEEE-ITSC、INFORMS、HKSPT等国际会议做报告10余次。研究成果曾获美国Next City媒体报道,获中国智能交通协会科学技术奖三等奖和第四届钱学森城市学优秀奖。担任Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part A–E、Transport Policy、Transportmetrica A等期刊审稿人。近年主要研究方向为(1)融合新兴出行模式的混合公交系统和(2)“RRS”(即快速、可靠、无缝换乘的)城市公交系统的关键理论与技术。


The technology-enabled ride-pooling service is designed as the feeder services to terminals. Analytical models are      formulated at a macroscopic level to estimate the service provider’s operation cost and the ride-pooling participants’    time cost. The optimal design problem is constructed to minimize the generalized system cost concerning the service zone size, fleet size, and ride-pooling size. Closed-form solutions are obtained with new insights. These findings may help transit agencies, transportation network companies, or both as partners to operate the transit-oriented ridepooling services successfully and sustainably.